Our Partners
We’re involving many people, across sectors, to ensure this assessment reflects the diversity in our local food system.
This project development and implementation is in partnership with the St. John’s Food Policy Council, and guided by a working group including appointed work roles and volunteers.
We are grateful for the guidance of organizers, staff, and community volunteers throughout this process.
Community Support
Contributions of community organizations, including the Community Garden Alliance, Community Sector Council Go Getters, Jimmy Pratt Foundation, Eastern Health Wellness Group, and theGreenRock.ca, allowed us to reach hundreds of people for St. John’s Food Assessment focus groups.
We would also like to extend our thanks to the more than 1000 people who took part in the household food survey, especially those who shared their experiences of food insecurity.
Project Funders
Throughout this multi-year process, financial support was received from Chevron Canada, City of St. John’s, Eastern Health, Government of NL’s Social Enterprise Action Plan and Community Healthy Living Fund, Maple Leaf Centre for Action on Food Security, Public Health Agency of Canada's Innovation Strategy, Terra Nova Development (which is operated by Suncor and Memorial University), and WeavEast.